Couple of years ago, my Chief Engineer was in my cabin having a drink.
I felt that he was in a happy mood. I asked him the reason ,and he said that his only
daughter would be getting married soon.
Since he was my close buddy ,I asked him what the would be groom does for a living.
He very proudly states that he is self employed and he has left his job to be in the Amway business.
Knee jerk, I advised him. After you finish the drink ring up your wife immediately
and call this alliance off, if you daughter is NOT in love with him. It is NOT worth it.
My Chief Engineer left his drink and made a satellite call from my cabin itself.
I could overhear him convincing his wife that the Captain hardly makes wrong decisions .
Then he came back and wanted to know if I had any personal experience with Amway.
I told him an incident that happened on my previous ship.
I was asleep in port with cargo discharge in progress in a US port.
I got a call from my Chief Officer from the CCR, and he said that a woman at the
gangway wants to meet me—and he stressed that I would surely like to meet her.
So I peeped out of my porthole and saw a woman standing on the quay.
She was allowed up and pretty soon she was in my cabin.
To be frank, she looked absolutely drop dead gorgeous, young, in perfect shape , blue eyes,
blonde, in skin tight blue leotards ( with her camel toe , the cynosure of every male eye ).
Look into Wikipedia if you want to see what a camel toe is.
She turned out to be an AVON sales woman. Though I offered her a seat, she wanted to
kneel by my side and display the goodies in her bag. Pretty soon I caught on ,
she was giving me a free show . Her pink nipples were standing out like bullets .
So I rang up my Chief Engineer
and told him to come to my cabin el pronto.
My Chief Engineer came , had a look at her and sort of melted away. Then he called me up,
on the telephone and said “ Captain saab come to my cabin “ I could feel the excitement in his voice.
So I gave a Coke to the Avon lady and went to the Chief Engineer’s cabin.
He was rewinding a video cassette. Pretty soon he started the movie and
I saw the same Avon woman .
As per the title of the video she was “the queen of anal porn” – and there she was getting serviced by 3 men.
So I came back to my cabin and told her, that she has permission to go to the crew’s lounge.
She sold her entire bag of goodies full of perfumes and cosmetics within half an hour, and she left.
Get an idea of salesmanship nay sales-womanship?
At least this woman was doing something to earn a living. For she could have
milked100 times more money in the porn business.
On the way out of this river port, I narrated this incident to the pilot.
He asked me is she was Avon or Amway, and cried “Stay away from Amway!”.
Then he burst into tears and said that he lost his only daughter to Amway. She was a very obedient and loving daughter till she fell in love with an aggressive boy in the Amway business. Pretty soon she too became a distributor.
After that she became thick skinned could NOT see life except through the Amway prism.
She tried to head hunt and prospect her own parents, as if she was in a cult, without a mind of her own.
She shifted out of the home and lived with her boyfriend in a huff .
When she got married there was NO invite.
Such was the bitterness sowed, just because she could NOT recruit her own parents or make them buy ridiculously expensive Amway products like vitamin pills, "save the planet" eco-friendly cleaners .
She was in a fantasy world of quick riches , buying a huge house , sports cars, etc.
This young girl became mean and aggressive in trying to push her business into her parents
circle of friends , due to which they became socially pariah.
They tried their best to win their only daughter back, by acquiescing to her demands,
but she was beyond redemption.
Amway rewards greed in a manner which corrodes the human soul.
Rather greed is the driving spirit of Amway.
He who is greedy is always in want—and so in their first motivational meeting ,
Amway wants to know your goals in life. They want you to write it down ,
even before you write down the names of your friends and relatives.
Nowadays your facebook status reveals more to them.
They become very happy when you say that you want your own island, yatch
and private jet plane, with the Kohinoor diamond thrown in for good measure .
For this makes you a valuable recruit into
their cult of greed, and the AMWAY VIRUS can occupy you faster.
They are NOT happy with you if you just want a small maruti car and a small home
for a happy family —for that makes you a loser..
What is greed?
Greed can make honest men murderers.
Apathy and loss of human values is inherent in greed.
Greed is the inordinate desire and the relentless pursuit to possess wealth,
beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort.
Greedy people manipulate and deceive in a mean manner intent only on satisfying
their own selfish needs.
Greed is a dark bottomless pit . Once you spiral into this pit, you get centrifuged and exhausted
in an endless self destructing effort to satisfy the delusional need without ever reaching satisfaction.
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
When morality comes up against profit, it is seldom that profit loses.
Greed is the inventor of injustice as well as the current enforcer.
Like the love of comfort, is a kind of fear, if you look at it through a psychological prism.
Growth for the sake of greed is the ideology of the cancer cell.
Life is a success only if you are happy. You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only
what you really NEED.
When morality comes up against profit, it is seldom that profit loses— yes this is
the petty minded , selfish and stark American way ( Amway )
Ever heard the US president on TV wanting to protect “our way of life”? Yes, this a way, where
only the top of the pyramid scheme enjoys life, the bottom slave drones just keep slogging,
hoping to get the golden pot at the end of the rainbow one day.
They try to run up a down escalator. For an intelligent man will tell you that the
Amway method does NOT work, unless you have sponsors.
Intensely selfish people are always very decided as to what they wish.
These ugly people do not waste their energies in considering the good of others.
Be aware that Amway employs a legal army will descend upon any blogger or website
which is a threat their business. If they are above board what is the need to do this?
They will leave the shitty posts intact, and will try and get intelligent posts off.
So read this up, folks—and spread the word around. You will NOT get a more INCISIVE
review anywhere on this planet. No, Capt Vadakayil does NOT boast- TEE HEEEE !
Our PM Manmoham Singh was a Rothschild employee, befoe he was catapulted to the chair
of the Indian Finance minister . Manmohan Singh took personal initiative to get this pyramid
business model to India in 1995 when he was a finance minister.
The founder of Amway Richard De Vos was a Free mason. He had the support of the banking cartel.
The pyramid organization of Amway has been deemed to be legal, though it makes no sense.
They say it is legal because they sell merchandise out of catalogs.
Why should something be legal when people are sold pipe dreams , which make them lose money?
Only the privileged few who have their own secrets ( like our Marlboro man ) at the
top of the pyramid makes money.
Let me tell you a secret.
A Marlboro salesman came on my ship. He knew what he was upto. He has it all planned out.
He knew that I had bought 200 cartons for my ship. He got this inside information from the
US Customs ( maybe a relative ) and there he was in my cabin, giving me a fancy red Marlboro cap,
dozens of souvenir pens and lighters , to soften me up.
All he wants is my signature and stamp on a booklet which will show to the company
that he sold the cigarettes to Capt Vadakayil. He will give me bull that now
I have secured BLAH BLAH points and next time BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Do I look stupid?
Let me digress: -
Since I am in a frisky mood, let me tell a non-veg joke. I hope my wife does NOT read this for she will kick mE ass. Ladies and children less than 18 nay 16 ( we have lowered the age in India ) keep away from the italics .
A couple went for a movie and were petting in the dark.
Ultimately, the girl got some warm liquid in her hand, and since
she did NOT have a hand kerchief, she threw it backwards.
The content landed 4 rows back on the face of a drunk,
who was rudely woken up.
He felt the texture , smelt it and cried out to his drunk friend
snoring away on the seat next to him.
"Paddy, do I look like a c#nt? " .
His friend looked at him in the dark and said " Nope!--
why do you ask, maan ?" .
He cried out in dismay " Someone just threw a f#ck
on mE face --BOO HOOOO !!"
In the 1979 ruling the US Federal Trade Commission determined that Amway was
not an illegal pyramid scheme because no payments were made for recruitment.
Hey, the loophole out here is that friends are family are recruited with NIL money.
And they cannot sue each other right?
People are forced to join because they do NOT want to hurt the feelings of their friends
and family. Before they know how deep this dark hole is , it is too late.
They are brainwashed that only losers escape from the web -- nay brotherhood of Amway.
The bottom line distributors are "strongly encouraged" to listen to at least one motivational
tape a day, tapes that are sold, of course, by their uplines ( persons above them on the pyramid ).
Amway sends two expensive tapes to each distributor weekly and the distributors are billed for the tapes.
At the Amway meetings, the distributors are often pressured to buy more tapes,
books and videos from the diamond and emerald speakers. Most of the profit from these
sales goes directly to the diamond and emerald distributors.
If the product is good and reasonably priced, what is the need to sell HOPE
by means of motivational nonsense in CDs’ to gullible people ?
In any case why do you charge money for these motivational books and tapes?
There is big money to be milked just by selling these compulsory tapes right?
Why don’t you put all your motivational bullshit on the net
and given your dear worker drones a free password, for different levels?
What is the need to defraud the gullible into thinking that with a little hard work and soap
in their holes --- OOPS--- hope in their souls, they can become rich beyond their wildest dreams.
There is absolutely no reason to believe that Amway products are better than the
ones who get for half the price elsewhere. A man is trying to make both ends meet,
put his daughter into college and you want him to contribute though his nostrils to save the planet?
Why don’t you do that. Since you have so much money?
And how did Amway Corp get rich so fast? By being compassionate to your own dear people ?
Why did you need to change your brand name from Amway to Quixtar?
Hey, why do you have a connection with mercenary org Blackwater?
Why do you need to build up a cult whose main product is Amway itself.
What is the need to sell --nay brainwash your people with false hopes of early retirement.
Who else does all this? Is this the American way whose short form you
have lifted and converted to Amway?
Why are your seminars and meetings reminiscent of revivalist meetings,
where the power of positive thinking is deleted and replaced by blind faith
in the Amway “get rich quick” system.
Now, let us look at your “legal” pyramid scheme. Are you not aware that a
pyramid scheme even if legal has aSATURATION POINT?
What will an intelligent man call a pyramid scheme where the bottom strata are doomed
to lose money and the top strata makes moolah out of this displaced money.
The word is SCAM, right?. Here the upper layers support this fraud, as they want more eager beaver recruits to shore themselves up, in a selfish manner . Salvation lies in rising up the pyramid strata, right?
How can such a Amway cycle sustain itself, without approx. 90% people will losing
their money somewhere down the line? Once saturated how is it possible to
recruit the number of people required to pay off the previous layer of recruiters?
Never mind the illusion of legality as presented by revamped schemes supported
by “lobbied up” celebrities like ex-US Republican presidents , they are still a fraud
to an intelligent man, who knows for sure that the "emperor is NOT wearing clothes" .
Legal multi-level marketing (MLM) involves being
recruited in order to sell a product that actually
has some inherent value, and ONLY if it is not OVER PRICED compared to the same products available
with countless other major popular brands..
This is because once you have run out of friends and family
to recruit, and your reputation as a “ slimy Amyway head hunter"
or “ugly Amway prospector” is laid threadbare, and
people treat you like the plague even in malls and pizza joints,
you are forced to selling this awfully overpriced consumer
item to survive. Making a profit this way is just a pipe fu#kin' dream.
Brainwashed Amway worker drones to the Amway success theory of “fake it till you make it”
just burn up from inside. Their ego forces them to lie to their own wives and children, and take
out their frustrations on them. This is how the Amway virus destroys close knit "once
upon a time very loving" families.
First of all any pyramid scheme which does NOT deliver the return promised in
writing involves deception and fraud . But hey, Amway has a loop hole to wriggle out of this.
They will say that this moaning mangy loser man did NOT read our motivational books
and listen to our tapes and did NOT attend our last seminar ( where he has to foot all expenses ).
The entire blame comes like a ton of shit on your own head .
Amway forces you to buy the products ONLY from the direct layer on top of you,
on this pyramid . In this kind of pyramid scheme, you would be required to lie to and
recruit new members into the MLM ( multilevel marketing (sic) ) in order
to make a profit and keep the MLM alive.
The Jewish conman Bernard Madoff stole almost $65 billion by means of a Ponzi pyramid scheme.
On June 29, 2009, he was sentenced to 150 years in prison, the maximum allowed.
In a Ponzi scheme, there is one person who takes people's money as an "investment" and
does not necessarily tell them how their returns will be generated. As such, the
people's return on investment could be generated by anything; it could come from
money taken from new investors - which means new investors essentially
pay off the old investors - or even from money made by drugs,
gambling or prostitution (or Bollywood or IPL ).
The founder of Amway Freemason Richard De Vos has a Jewish bloodline.
The first Amway building had a Masonic square and compass symbol on the front facade.
The luxurious Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan where
Amway has its international conventions for its distributors was built right onto a huge Masonic temple.
When a so called legal pyramid scheme has more than 98% failure rate of the
bottom layer, it becomes a scam. . The US Federal Trade Commission has
permitted the fleecing of Amway dupes because the money taken from the pockets
of these poor victims has funded the lobbying kitty of the Amway empire to
protect their fleecing of the flock business .
I have seen such a fraud in a casino in England. My wife saw a machine where lot of
whole pile of ONE pound coins were precariously perched on a ledge.
You put one more coin and a big chunk of the pile would obviously come falling down,
as there was no more place to accommodate a new coin entry.. My wife put a coin
and a whole lot of coins fell down, and she made a neat profit of 6 pounds.
So she put another coin. This time nothing happened. So I suggested that she
give back the machine the remaining 5 coins. Every time she put a coin
she was hoping for the pile of coins to fall again. But I noticed , now a
small secret window had opened up at the sides. No pressure would be put
on the about to fall pile anymore. The new coin would push another coin
into the sides – into the secret kitty of the machine owner.
Now we waited till another person came. She also got lot of coins with his first try.
And you should have seen the way she ran to the counter to exchange a
currency note for coins—so that nobody else can come to the machine
in her absence and take away the coins will “will” fall for her soon.
So I showed her the secret slots which had opened up on the side.
They machine recognizes a new fool , probably by a sensor taking in the color of the dress.
So the people in Amway who make money are the ones who change the color of the dress-
The people who gave this venomous money sucking squid Amway a legal business
certificate should be investigated and jailed.
An Amway man is now recognized as the man who screwed his friends and family.
There are reports than in India promotions and junior job selections are based on
getting recruited into the Amway brotherhood. Pretty much the same way Catholic
convents convert poor Indian Hindu families by offering admission to their young
children to English medium LG and UKG sections.
Does this Amway company who has become super rich, do any benefit to the national economy?
Then how have they got in even into India ? By ministers getting lobbied up, right?
Amway makes a profit on every sale of every product it offers for sale.
The sales people are considered independent business owners (IBOs)
and they make money on every sale they make and by recruiting others to makes
sales of the same products. They spend money buying Amway products.
Strangely they also spend a lot of money buying compulsory CDs, books and
attending seminars aimed at making them believe that having a positive attitude
and working hard are the keys to success.
In Amway, one is recruited as an "independent" distributor of Amway products by
buying a couple of hundred dollars' worth of the products from the one who recruits you,
known as your "upline." Every distributor in turn tries to recruit more distributors.
Income is generated by sales of products by the distributor plus "bonuses" from
sales of his or her recruits and their recruit-descendents. The distributors
income depends primarily not on their own sales of Amway products but on sales
made by others whom they've recruited.
In the seminars they use Amway specific slang and abbreviations to give them the
sense of bonding, like how small convent girls talk in P language and feel important
as a girly giggling gang. WAPPAT IPPIS YOPPOUR NAPPAME.( what is your name ).
So when my wife’s Auxilium convent gang came to visit my ship 30 years ago,
they thought they can hold secret conversations till I gave it to them in P and T language
combined, twice as fast.
What is unique is the faith, devotion and hope that the Amway foot soldiers
have—almost like the Mormons. The way they work themselves into a passionate
frenzy while prospecting new recruits in a shameless thickskinned manner
has to be seen to be believed.
Quitting would mean giving up hope of a happy future, sipping margaritas
on a yacht in a Caribbean bay, right?.
The Amway “hook” is simple enough. You become a “distributor” for a low, low entry fee.
This makes you a retail franchise, a businessman . You sell Amway products and make your profits..
But if you want to make real money, you sign up other “distributors”.
They’ll be your “downline”, and when they sell anything, you get paid a
commission (they call it a “bonus”).
You buy $200 a month of Amway products for yourself, upon which you
get a few dollars back. But if you can sign up 10 people, and they sign up 10 people apiece
(and so on, and so on), eventually you’ll have 7,000 people, which will qualify
you for the “diamond” distributor category. And if each of those people
buys $200 a month of Amway products, you will generate nearly $17 million in yearly sales!
Now you can sit back, relax, and just rake in the moolah, right?
The model usually collapses long before that, because quite frankly, most people
aren’t gullible enough to go for it.
This is why 80% of Amway distributors drop out. Amway business model is the
enormous sales volume required in order to make any money.
There’s only two winners in the system: the people who run the parent corporation,
and the people who sit at the top of the pyramid (even though the whole pyramid is
losing money overall, they are taking such a large share of the commissions that
they make money at the expense of the rest at the bottom ).
In effect, 90% of the people in the pyramid must lose money so that the
remaining 10% can divide the profits amongst themselves, with the lion’s share
going to the people at the very top.
These people then turn around and use this money to “lobby” ( bribe ) the powers
in the government to keep their scheme operating. Now you know how the
top of the pyramid gets rich, and how this system continues to be “legal”.
Other hidden expenses for distributors include mailing, handling, doing forms,
advertising, cell phone roaming bills, and driving personal vehicles to
deliver or pick up products. Unless you hire a servant type who will foot slog
with a bag of goodies , you spend a lot on petrol.
Amway's attitude toward any insider critical of the organization has bordered
on paranoia. In any seminar of meeting dissidents are not allowed to give their testimony.
They are told off and an elaborate guilt trap will be laid on you,
something you never ever faced in your life
“ You are just dumb —you are a failure—you did NOT work hard enough—you did
NOT devote enough time and energy—you did NOT listen to the latest CD,
here buy one— you have not yet developed the Amway prospector’s
eye— you loser, were you serious about your dreams of giving your
children a good education -- you are low on loyalty and courage of your
convictions, no wonder it didn't work for you--- you didn't do exactly
as you were taught—you need to retune your prospecting radar— stop worrying,
it will all fall in place soon—how can you say this,I thought your are a
bright guy-- is this the level of your commitment to your family?--if
you have not yet seen the light , whose fault is it ?”
Sometimes you will be told “ Have faith and just keep doing what you're doing,
Amway’s way is a tried and tested model"
Something like what Winston Churchill tells through drunken lips, with a heroin
suppository up his a$$hole for good measure “ If you are going through hell, keep going !!”.
Some will even put a carrot on stick. “When we find you are ready
(meaning properly brainwashed to be non-skeptic) we will show you ways how
you can make extra money from the sales of tools to your own downline.
You may not understand it now, but it will become clear when you're successful.
You work more on the front end, but get lots of money at the back end."
You are too dumbstruck to ask what this back end is.
Because the group is offering their own form of salvation, the deception is
rationalised because the end goal justifies whatever means are necessary to achieve that goal.
They will never admit that you have been deliberately lied to and dumped
on an down going escalator and told to run up and take all the money lying for you on top.
The inherent flaws in the system does NOT allow you to make money unless
you sell your soul and cheat people.
Deception lies at every step from the first day to the last stage .
When the new distributor starts to build the business, he is taught to contact people
about "building a business," not about "building an Amway business."
I dare anybody to say , that in a mall he pounced on a prospect and said “
Hi wanna join Amway?” When a gullible new person is sponsored,
he is told to make a PIMPING list (using carbon paper in this age )
of all the friends and family he knows. A copy of the list is given to
his sponsor who can then contact those people for him.
They will even invade your face book account.
In India where people scam goes further that the West, the Amway people
start the GENI tree and they take a lot of pains, trying to be very pally pally
with the “see we are all of same blood tree”.
These Amway people have NIL character, they will lie through their teeth ,
and they will sacrifice you on the altar of greed.
The worst is people using nuisance potential, to wrangle a recruit.
If you want water connection, well can you be an Amway recruit?
Or you wait, till the cows come home.
You wife is invited to a “kitty party” to join the sorority , and the moment she reaches
there everybody looks at her with Amway eyes.
Amway has injected poison into relationships, which we Indian value,
unlike the West. This is the fountain head of our happiness , friends and family.
The Indian Government must have fast track justice system ( like rape ) for people
who arm twist innocent and vulnerable people into joining Amway, to realize
an IMPOSSIBLE pipe dream.
The distributor cannot return unsold over priced products. This forces him to
use it himself and he just cannot afford this . So he runs from pillar to post to sell it ,
putting his honour in pickle , to recruit more new people .
Amway makes money on their initial sign up fees and the motivational CDs and
books which are expensive. Amway gives a damn if the distributor cannot
sell the products which he bought. For if products are not sold, since the
pressure to move products rests with the 'distributors'.
In India, distributors will have to "renew their contract" by
paying a fee—more riches for Amway.
In motivational seminars all the jokers stand in a circle bend down with arms over each other in
a huddle and cry “ GO FOR DIAMOND “ like what to see in American football matches, in a ridiculous manner..
I am sure a lot of them will be muttering under their breath “ FU#K YOU AMWAY”.
Some of them have been reduced to using office telephones during coffee breaks ,
to save of cellular roaming charges.
Next time you see an Amway man in a mall trying to brown nose his way
ask him “ So, selling soap and detergents will make me a millionaire, what else is new ?”
and then watch his face.
In Amway the only people , the distributors care for is themselves.
Pyramid schemes are generally abusive business practices where thick skinned and
hard work is forced upon lower-level employees so that more senior workers can relax and profit,
with little independent effort.
Lower-level workers always find it hard to make much money under
these adversely tilted conditions. In India several doctors prescribe
AMWAY herbal products/vitamins to their patients, against medical ethics.
Rothschild is involved in Amway. In China Merrill Lynch International,
Jardine Fleming International and N.M. Rothschild & Sons was co-managing.
At every function, Diamond distributors who make grand entries in B&W sedans ,
tell stories about their hardships when they were building the business.
When the Diamonds say "we drove for miles and miles for that
meeting," the distributors in attendance believe that if they "drive the miles and miles,"
they too will become Diamonds.
The Diamonds also repeat over and over that, by using the tools, they became successful.
Therefore, the same tools will work for you as well, never mind that every person is
different and cultures clash.
For a new recruit to beat the odds, he must develop the “conman gene”.
As Amway science is NOT suited for the noble honorable man.
So you can very well gauge the character of the distributors who have risen up
the pyramids, after beating the odds. They have cheated several gullible new recruits
with financial salvation.
Like missionaries, these Amway distributors have gone out into the world preaching
that Amway is the only way to "save yourself" from the lurking "financial disaster"
as well as the only way to achieve your lifelong dreams. As long as the new
distributors feel they are following the tried and tested Amway way, they believe
like a misled cult what they are doing is right and fair and many of them
think nothing of lying and conning..
Some of these brainwashed people when asked about their relentless foot slogging
and rebuffs on the face with low pay and long hours, actually claim that they are
rewarded by their own "personal growth." They refuse to accept that they are
in a catch 22 situation. Amway diamonds and platinums tell on face book about
their holidays to Aruba and Hawaii, while actually people would have spotted them
at home in pyjamas over the fence.

These Diamonds don't have public stockholders to answer to, and since their seminar
audience is looking to emulate them, they have no one in the audience to critique their
speeches — only gaping in awe party. Such is the effect of this cult, that its leadership's
charisma and integrity is not to be questioned. In the Amway business, distributors
are taught that there is virtually no other lifestyle worthwhile outside of the Amway business.
The speeches pound into the heads that a distributor will only be happy when he reaches
the Diamond level- but he will never tell them it is beyond reach. He will never tell
you how much time you need to spend to break even, leave alone make a tidy profit.
They are told again and again that this is a "proven system", and if they just follow
it like a recipe they will retire in about 4 years.
The Amway dream began in 1959 in an old garage , where Jay Van Andel and his
friend Richard DeVos created a multi-level marketing plan. They offered laundry
and cleaning supplies to start-up entrepreneurs. For Jay and Rich, this was
THE American way, thus the name, Amway.

Van Andel was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1924. He met Richard DeVos
in high school when Van Andel charged DeVos 25 cents for rides to school in his
1929 Model A Ford, so much for being close buddies.
Their first product was called Frisk, a concentrated organic cleaner developed
by a scientist in Ohio. DeVos and Van Andel bought the rights to manufacture
and distribute Frisk, and later changed the name to LOC (Liquid Organic Cleaner)
They went around telling that Multilevel marketing is just a way to remove the average
person in the buying and selling process of a service or product and give the
cost of marketing back to the customer. Oh yeah? The more you buy, the poorer
you get but the "richer" your "upline" gets. Their refrain was the usual bull
"you have to spend it to earn it", "work now, play later”.
You were also highly encouraged to disassociate yourself from quitters because
they will "try and steal your dream”. So then Amway becomes No.25 among
the largest private companies in the U.S. by Forbes in 2012. How sweet.
Multi level marketing business that relies on selling to people you know, then they
sell to people they know and on and on. You are given "gem" names to represent
where you are in the business regarding your sales to further inflate your ego and
create more false security. Ruby & Sapphire's are mid range but the big goal
is to make "Diamond" and then there is also "Double fu#ckin’ Diamond".
Upline is the name given to everyone a head of you and "downline" is for those
beneath you. All you need is to get fired up to spread the great news to all of your
family and friends, so you can all retire with lot of moolah.
The 1990s rang in a new generation of leaders. Steve Van Andel and Dick DeVos
succeeded their fathers as chairman and president, respectively. Doug Van Andel,
another son of Jay's, is now president. Van Andel and his wife Betty both died in 2004;
Betty had Alzheimer's disease, and Jay had Parkinson's.
Amway expanded overseas to Australia in 1971, to Europe in 1973, to parts of Asia
in 1974, to Japan in 1979, to Latin America in 1985, to China in 1995, to
Africa in 1997, to India and Scandinavia in 1998, to Russia in 2005, and to Vietnam in 2008.
On August 6, 2011 Kerala Police sealed the offices of Amway at
Kozhikode, Kannur, Kochi, Kottayam, Thrissur, Kollam and
Thiruvananthapuram following complaints of being sold fake dreams.
The dream sold by the website of Amway India offers its members a monthly
of Rs. 62,500 if they succeed in enrolling 102 members downline of each member
with the business model of 6-4-3.
That means every member has to enroll six members and in turn these
six members has to enroll four members each and these four members
has to enroll three members each to complete one cycle. If the cycle is completed
the first member would earn every month Rs. 62,500 without any personal effort, like magic.
Greed is quite common weakness in humans and MLM companies very
effectively target that and most people don’t find any fault as such in the system
and easily fall pray.
QNet ltd, formerly known as QuestNet, GoldQuest, and QI Limited, is a Hong Kong based
MLM company selling energy, weight management, nutrition, personal care, home care,
luxury goods, and fashion accessories.
QNet was founded in Hong Kong by a Malaysian businessman Vijay Eswaran in 1998.
In July 2011 issue of Rothschild’s Forbes Asia, he was named as one of 48
'Heroes of Philanthropy' in the region.
QNet operates in India through its franchisee Vihaan Direct Selling Pvt Ltd, which
carries the company's brand name in the country, whose major shareholder is billiards
player Micheal Ferreira and the minor shareholder another Christian..
The gullible opportunistic Egyptians are getting duped whole sale.
QuestNet and GoldQuest, duped people with limited edition gold coins
“whose value would increase over time” ( sic ) and we charged and forced to
shut dowin in India. However like the quintessential phoneix their new avatar QNet
came back with more of such products like bio-discs, Chi-Pendants and
herbal products for anything between Rs 30,000 to Rs 7 lakh.
QNet promises fabulously high returns” so long as new distributors are
enrolled rapidly” TEE HEEEE !
Its product brochure says, “With 8 ways to earn and up to 50% of the sales
paid out in commissions, QNET offers the most dynamic and innovative
compensation plan in the direct selling profession.” OH Boy !!
Bottom line: We all can be richer than Amway owners if we are con men.
Punch into google search
So next time some fat lady smiles at you in a mall, look at you with beady eyes and lisps
"Oh, have we met before?", remember, she could be prospecting for a gullible Amway recruit.
Time to lift your lungi and run!
Grace and peace!