Monday, 15 June 2009

Look behind the sale of Herbalife products that is illegal

Recently a friend asked whether Herbalife products are safe and good. One thing everyone should remember is if the products are good and safe they could be sold in the regular market.
Herbalife induces people to become members of the scheme and later induces them to make bulk purchases with the promises of huge commissions. Soon these gullible people are laden with huge stocks which they could not sell to anyone without making them join the scheme. I know dozens of people who have huge stocks worth several hundreds of thousands of rupees. Recently a physiotherapist approached me with the same problem. She has now with her more than hundred thousands of rupees worth Herbalife products. She realised rather belatedly that she was duped by the company. This is how this fraudulent company is deceiving our people. The physiotherapist cannot prescribe the products to her patients as it is unethical and she could not sell the products. That is the pathetic situation.
Now to the point of what exactly is in the products of Herbalife. The Herbalife claims that it is food supplementary products. It traps the obese people to become thinner by using its products. Who can afford to buy these products such an exorbitant price. Then they would be told to become members and buy the products in bulk. The chain of deceit continues.
What exactly is in the products is the trade secret. It is nothing but soya powder which kills your appetite. Naturally, you will no longer feel hungry and once you stop these products you will become obese again.
It costs a minimum of Rs. 3,000 to Rs, 8,000 every month to use these products for personal use. You have to forgo food and how long one remains without taking tasty, spicy food. Once you start taking regular food you would get back your weight.
The important thing people should remember is the cunningness of becoming member in the scheme of Herbalife. That is how the Herbalife is making lot of money by cheating people.
My friends! Do not fall for these tricks of such fraudulent companies like Herbalife, Forever Living Products.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Thanks bro. I was going to join the company. I attended one event conducted by this company. They gave an elaborate list of individuals consuming these products. Have you ever participated in the scheme or know people who actually have? Can I discuss this further with you?

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