Sunday, 5 September 2010

What an exceptional fellow Mr. Steadson is?

Around the globe, literally tens of millions of individuals have been churned through the 'Amway' closed-market swindle and related advance fee fraud (i.e. 'tool' scam) during the previous 50+ years. For years, the Internet has been alive with the quasi-identical, disturbing testimonies of persons who have been first deceived by carefuly-scripted-bullshit steadfastly pretending that 'the Amway Business Opportunity is perfectly legal, because it involves selling world-class products,'but who were then exposed (without their fully-informed consent) to a totalistic (closed-logic) thought reform program designed to shut down individuals' critical and evaluative faculties and convince them that 'selling products is for losers' ... the real way to make big bucks in Amway is to 'duplicate exactly the 100% Positive' belief and behaviour of 'Amway's' successful winners who have all followed a 'Proven Plan of Self-Consumption and Recruitment' which can lead anyone to 'Total Financial Freedom.'
A significant minority of 'Amway' adherents have subsequently undergone a nightmarish transformation and recklessly dissipated all their mental, and/or physical, and/or financial, resources to the benefit of the billionaire bosses, and millionaire under-bosses, of this organized crime group, whom they continued to trust and follow no matter what suffering this entailed. Yet, a lone, inflexible voice cries out from the 'Amway' Internet wilderness of dissociation, destitution, depression, divorce and even death.
Mr. Steadson's previous unsubstantiated and unsolicited bullshit (in which he has steadfastly pretended that he's never even encountered, let alone tried to duplicate, the 'Proven Plan of Self Consumption and Recruitment'), and his latest unsubstantiated and unsolicited bullshit (in which he steadfastly pretends that complete strangers are constantly beating a path to his door to buy 'Amway's' effectively-unsaleable wampum), are increasingly-pathetic inversions of reality.
According to Mr. Steadson, this week his dear old mother (to whom he has previously claimed to have been regularly peddling effectively-unsaleable 'Amway' wampum for a profit), has now been replaced by 4 (unnamed) retail customers.
David Brear


IBOFB said...

Nobody can replace my dear old mother, Brear. I have many more than these 4 customers (and my mother), I'm merely giving you a recent example.

But what's your response to my detailed providing of customer orders?

You merely claim I am lying.

What's most absurd of course is that you do that while proceeding to lie (again) yourself!

I have never claimed I have never encountered the "self consumption" plan. You've simply made that up. Amway Talk and The Truth About Amway are replete with examples pf me discussing that very issue.

So all you've got is to accuse me of lying, and then proceed to lie yourself?

And poor Shyam takes you seriously.

Yet again though you completely fail to address a very simple question

Which Amway products have you personally tried, Brear?

Joecool said...

You don't understand. Mr Steadson is an Amway genious. He has hoards of people joining his downline and customers signing themselves up in other countries and he barely spends an hour a week doing it! He said so hims on his forum where his questionable claims go unchallenged.

So IBOB, you whoring around? Is that why you have a fiancee and a wife at the same time? :-)


Tex said...

That's the pot calling the kettle black! One whore mongerer accusing someone else of similar activities. ibofb can't seem to decide if he has a girlfriend, wife, or fiancee, but at least it appears to be the same person, jc. Unlike you, whoring on the Honolulu whore strip while engaged/married!

By the way, Brear, you forgot to "copyright" this thread! LOL

Does that mean we can reuse your "splendid logic" as we see fit? Don't count on it! LOL

Joecool said...

Unlike Tex who mongers his cousins. LOL

IBOFB said...

MMM, Joecool asking if someone is whoring around. That's thin ice.

I did see your rather pathetic attempt at discrediting me. Not that it's any of your business, but when I joined facebook they didn't have "engaged" as an option and "in a relationship" just didn't seem strong enough.

The fact you spend so much time focused on me rather than Amway just goes to show how few problems Amway is encountering these days.

Joecool said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joecool said...

LOL, Steadson, I have no reason to discredit you. You've done a great job all by yourself. If you're not married, then a viable choice would be "single" wouldn't it? But then again, you like to obfuscate the truth don't you?


Tex said...


I say again, put the ENTIRE jc story in public, not just for registered users of your site.

Let EVERYONE see that jc is a whore mongerer and liar.

Tex said...

Hey jc, hope you enjoy my newest post as much as I did putting it together! See:

IBOFB said...

No, JoeCool, "single" is not a viable description of my relationship status. Indeed in many countries, and some parts of the US, I'm in what's called a "common law marriage"

Considering how you treated your wife, I guess the fact you think someone in a long-term relationship is "single" really isn't surprising.

Joecool said...

IBOFB, I believe you if you claim that common law marriages may differ where you line than in the US. However, it is for that reason you are not qualified to pretend to be an expert on Amway related topics in the US.

Tex, you don't have a clue do you?

Who is Steve Nakamura? Some anonymous guy named Hawaiian IBO sends you info and you think it's true? And then you suspiciously have an email with the handle of Hawaiian IBO? Looks like you are just making things up again as usual. But I guess that's how you roll.

Tex said...


I have LOTS of clues. I knew your name WAY before the "anonymous guy" showed up. What is so suspicious about having the hawaiianibo name? I don't have to make up anything, YOU do a great job of providing information better than I could make up in my wildest imagination! LOL

Tex said...


You're even "famous" here: LOL

Joecool said...

You don't even have a clue do you Tex?

Tex said...

If you don't think I have a clue, why don't you fill me in on the facts, jc? YOU LIAR, WHY WOULD I PAY ATTENTION TO ANYTHING A KNOWN AND PROVEN LIAR SAYS? LOL

Tex said...

LOL. As I said on the other thread, this doesn't prove ANYTHING about me being racist. YOU don't have a clue, do you jc? LOL

Joecool said...

Tex/Scott Johnon, you making racist statements makes you a racist and you denying it makes you a liar. A dumb liar at that. LOL

Tex said...

Those weren't racist statements. They were targeted anti-bully statements that WORK, you LYING WHORE MONGERER!!!

Joecool said...

You're a lying racist cousin mongerer. LOL