Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Dexter believes himself to be a superhuman

Do you suppose young Trivedi clicked on to the link which we kindly provided for him to watch the deeply-disturbing Mrs. 'Birdie' Yager in full-flow? His only (predictable) response (so far) has been to regurgitate a stream of thought-stopping 'Amway' jargon. However, Trivedi's programmed reaction is no different to that of an unquestioning 'Scientologist' when confronted with the truth about their own leadership.
That said, your free-thinking readers must be wondering how is it possible, after watching material like this revealing video of Dexter Yager's wife, that any sane, Indian adult can continue not just to believe blindly that there is nothing wrong with 'Amway', but to want to even associate with this form of absurd, but nonetheless dangerous, American, right-wing 'Christian' lunacy?
My best qualified-advice is that, based on this video and on further extensive sound recordings and transcripts of their fictitious 'divine utterances', Mr. and Mrs. Yager appear to be classic megalomaniacal psychopaths (i.e. suffering from a chronic mental disorder, especially when resulting in paranoid delusions of grandeur and self-righteousness and the compulsion to pursue grandiose objectives).
'Joecool' is perfectly correct, there is plenty of quantifiable evidence proving that Dexter Yager really believes himself 'to be a superhuman.'
Furthermore, I've encountered former 'Amway' adherents who have had extensive contact with Yager and his wife. All of them tell the same frightening story. In private, and sometimes in public, Dexter Yager is an abusive and foul-mouthed bully who lives in a parallel, totalitarian world, where all persons challenging the authenticity of the 'Amway' myth are systematically categorized, condemned and excluded as 'f**king Commie bastards', 'queers', 'dykes' ,'losers' , 'Dream-Stealers' , 'devil worshippers', etc.
In Dexter Yager's twisted 'Amway' model of reality, the manipulation, and/or cheating, and/or dispossession, and/or destruction of 'inferior outsiders' is seen as being perfectly justifiable.
David Brear


Joecool said...

Power and adoration are seductive.

Joecool said...

You know the power has seduced you when you think you can invent your own new Bible verses.

dtytrivedi said...

brear i am impressed that u said was ironically right

"Dexter Yager is an abusive and foul-mouthed (guess who was speaking foul words) bully who lives in a parallel, totalitarian world, where all persons challenging the authenticity of the 'Amway' myth are systematically categorized, condemned and excluded as 'f**king Commie bastards', 'queers', 'dykes' ,'losers' , 'Dream-Stealers' , 'devil worshippers', etc. "

Joecool said...

Why does Dexter have a beard?

dtytrivedi said...

i guess brear must knowing that. infact he knows the health condition and what he is thinking. Brear is superhuman or fbi agent, he knows every dirty tricks of dexter and birdie yager.

infact he knows every succesfull person in amway their dirty tricks. he has every thing well documented.

Legal Scan said...

Now who write this, Trivedi? The faceless, nameless, spineless ghost writer I suppose.

Tex said...

Dexter is almost dead. We shouldn't be talking about his godlike fantasies, we should be hammering his Amway tool scam. His "god-talk" is merely a distraction from the REAL issue, the Amway tool scam. YOU fell for it. AGAIN. LOL

quixtarisacult said...

I suppose Tex is right. It's all one big tool scam which explains everthing.

Tex said...


You don't have to suppose anything, just look at the numbers.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this post! I have been researching a lot about Amway and Dexter Yager who is part of Amway. So far I am not interested in Amway even though dexter yager has had a lot of success according to some information I stumbled upon online I still don't know if I should join or not.

This article has some good points though, I'll consider it!