Sunday, 27 December 2009

IBOFB trying hard to hide the ugly truth of Amway Utopian myth

I have been taking stock of the wide-range of opinions available on the Net regarding the pernicious cultic organization most-commonly referred to as 'Amway' ( or 'Quixtar' in the USA).
Apart from the organization's bleating little flock of intellectually-castrated apologists (led by the arrogant, 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw, Mr. 'IBOFB' Steadson), the people who are perhaps the most-obstructive are well-intentioned Americans who (usually from bitter personal experience) know full-well that 'Amway' is a fraud, but who are too nice, and/or naive, to accept that the 'Amway' fraud is neither original nor unique. Despite a mass of terrifying historical evidence, the self-evident comparison which this 'fair-minded' type of observer finds the most-hard to take, is with the 'Nazi party.' Sadly, this is due to the fact that even well-educated Americans seem to know very little about the 'biblical' origins of the 'Nazi' belief system, or how it was first used to generate piles of tax-free cash for an absurd, but nonetheless dangerous, little gang of sanctimonious 'political' , 'economic' and 'racial' pseudo-scientists - narcissistic racketeers who posed as 'ordinary men turned supermen.'
The majority of money that was already flowing into the bulging pockets of the few multi-millionaire 'Nazi' bosses (prior to them usurping power in Germany in 1933), came from peddling the closed-logic myth of a 'future, secure Utopia' available only to those who believed 100% in its existence. The over-priced materials which the wealthy 'Nazis' bosses produced and sold to their unquestioning flock of (largely poverty-stricken) adherents, were: publications, recordings, esoteric accessories, tickets to meetings, etc. The identical fraud was run in the USA by the leadership of the 'Second Ku Klux Klan' from 1915 until the 1930s. Apart from the usual over-priced publications, accessories, tickets to meetings, etc., one of the biggest money-spinners for the bosses of the 'Second KKK,' was the sale of insurance policies to adherents, who numbered around 6 millions in the mid-1920s. The 'Second KKK' collapsed when one of its sanctimonious 'Grand Dragons' , David C. Stephenson (a self-styled 'Christian politician' who previously campaigned on an 'Anti-Alcohol - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Morality' ticket ) was convicted of raping and savagely mutilating a young white woman (who subsequetly bled to death) on a private train whilst he was blind drunk.
I observe that young Trivedi has been posting some ridiculous comments about his multi-millionaire 'Amway' idol, Dexter Yager, on your Blog. Without a shadow of a doubt, had the absurd, but nonetheless dangerous, Mr. Yager been around in the 1920s, he would have been one of the handful of multi-millionaire 'KKK' bosses in the USA or a 'Nazi' boss in Germany.
Back in the 1990s, the sanctimonious, self-styled 'pastor' Dexter Yager (who poses as an ordinary man turned 'Amway Diamond' superman) was first forced to declare in court that the overwhelming majority of his 'Amway'- related, multi-million dollar, annual income actually came from the sale of publications, recordings and tickets to meetings. A disturbing video of 'pastor' Yager's equally-sanctimonious wife, 'Birdie,' can still be found on Youtube in which she is reading out a letter which she steadfastly pretends to have been dictated to her by 'God.' According to various former high-level 'Amway' adherents (including Eric Scheibeler) who have had the misfortune to encounter Dexter Yager personally, behind his wooden smile, the 'pastor' is a foul-mouthed racist, sexist and homophobic bully who believes himself 'to be in direct contact with God' and who delights in boasting about how 'God has brought death upon his enemies.'
Like his 'Nazi' and 'KKK' predecessors, the 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw, Steadson, is there to maintain a puerile Utopian myth, peddled by wealthy criminals, and to hide the ugly truth lurking behind it.
David Brear


dtytrivedi said...

shyam u even don't know what his pin level is in amway. pls do some research work.

Joecool said...

Tex said...

jc hits the Honolulu whore houses:

Shyam Sundar said...

Clueless Tex, when you do not have a point, you attack on personal level. This is the last warning. If you have a point say it. Don't indulge in personal slanging.

Joecool said...

In debating, the weaker and less well versed opponents cannot win with facts so they resort to personal attacks and grandstanding.

quixtarisacult said...


My guess is that the purpose of your blog is to warn others about the evils of corporate fraud. A very noble calling.

If people like trivedi and tex willingly turn a deaf ear to the warnings, then let them continue on in their ignorance. Let Amway continue to defraud them from month to month. Let these ignoramouses swim in the Amway sewer if they wish.

Thankfully, others reading this blog might be fully warned away from Amway and save themselves from becoming victimized by what David Brear correctly describes as a closed market swindel.

"Steal a little and the call you a thief; Steal a lot and the call you Amway!

Tex said...


You're an idiot. I was posting a TRUE story about jc AFTER he posted a very misleading story about ibofb, right above my post. YOU are the clueless one, except you have company with the likes of Brear and qiac. LOL

Joecool said...

Tex has been proven as a racist and a liar. He also is the instigator of much conflict on multiple blog. He has already been banned on most blogs because of his potty mouth antics.

Joecool said...

What true story tex? Some anonymous guy posting as "Hawaiian IBO" on your blog is a known fact about me? For all I know, Hawaiian IBO is you or IBOFB.