Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Realilty-denying Amway apologists

Again, your resident, intellectually-castrated 'Amway' apologists continue to deny reality in their own particular styles. In defense of their group-related alter egos, they systematically insist that all the quantifiable evidence that 'Amway is a fraud and a cult, is itself a lie' and that 'anyone criticizing 'Amway' is a stupid, isolated person who cannot know what he/she is talking about.'
Since the instigation of the 'Amway' mob more than 50 years ago, tens of millions of individuals around the globe have been churned through a premeditated closed-market swindle promoted as a 'Business Opportunity.' A significant minority of these individuals have fallen victim to secondary, advanced fee fraud. Core-'Amway' adherents have undergone a nightmarish personality transformation and recklessly dissipated all their mental, physical and financial resources to the benefit of the bosses of the 'Amway' mob whom they continue to trust and follow no matter what suffering this entailed.
Your free-thinking readers will have observed that the intensely annoying narcissistic characteristics which unite 'Amway' core-adherents are self-evident. Indeed, they are the same as those which unite core-'Scientologists' (or any other totalistic believers for that matter):
- grandiose sense of their own and their group's importance.
- preoccupation with fantasies of their own and their group's unlimited success, power, etc.
- the belief that what they and their group offers is special and unique, and can only be understood by other special people like themselves.
- excessive admiration of their group and the requirement that others admire it and them also.
- total lack of empathy with non-group members.
- belief that outsiders are envious of them and their group.
- arrogant disposition.
- strong sense of their own and their group's entitlement.
- belief that it is perfectly justifiable for them and their group to take advantage of others to achieve their own ends.
The abundant evidence that 'Amway' apologists exhibit all these narcissistic characteristics is contained in the remorseless, inarticulate comments which they continue to post on the Net. Tellingly, when faced with this incontrovertible analysis, the classic reaction of cultists is to project their own narcissistic characteristics on to those who are making the analysis.
David Brear


Tex said...


Never have more words been typed with less content.

dtytrivedi said...

common this doesn't make any sense,

stick to money circulation scheme. why are using adjectives and adverbs.

dtytrivedi said...

very funny cartersandlin:
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Tex said...

Hey, at least cartersandlin makes more sense than Brear, and that's BEFORE I translated it! LOL

Legal Scan said...

Tex or Trivedi who translated it. Accidentally it was published in the name of Trivedi and Tex claims it was translated by him. LoL. In fact, there is no distinction between Tex, IBOFB and Trivedi. Again LoL.

Legal Scan said...

Trivedi or Tex it seems both have very small brains. They cannot comprehend simple English. One cannot write English without grammatical errors and other cannot write more than one sentence. Why do these fellows bother to write in my blog? HA HA HA Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Tex said...


Perhaps we BOTH translated it. LOL