Monday, 12 July 2010

Why media so scared of Amway?

One question which I have been asking for a long time is: Why is the traditional media so scared of 'Amway' and its copy-cats?
In the UK, the authenticity of the 'Amway' myth began to be seriously challenged by a few perceptive journalists back in the 1990s. Most notably, Tony Thompson published a major exposé of 'Amway' as a fraud and a totalitarian cult, in 'Time Out' magazine, and (a few years later) this was followed by a television exposé made by James Garrett of HTV West.
In both cases, although destitute 'Amway' victims were interviewed who had been exposed (without their fully-informed consent) to co-ordinated, devious techniques of psychological, social and physical persuasion, the billionaire bosses of the'Amway' mob hid behind their labyrinth of corporate structures and echelon of amoral attorneys. Typically, 'Amway UK Ltd.' tried to obstruct justice by threatening to file malicious lawsuits against 'Time Out' and HTV West, in which the counterfeit 'Direct Selling' company's officers posed as innocent victims under attack. Amazingly, 'Amway UK Ltd.' and 'International Business Systems UK Ltd.' lodged complaints of 'unfairness' against HTV West with the 'UK Broadcasting Standards Commission,' which were partly upheld in 1998. The commissioners: (Lady Howe,Jane Leighton, Suzanne Warner, Danielle Barr, David Boulton,Dame Fiona Caldicott DBE, Strachan Heppell CB, Rev. Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Robert Kernohan OBE, The Very Rev. John Lang,Susan Lloyd, Sally O’Sullivan, Sioned Wyn Thomas, Stephen Whittle), were easily duped by 'Amway's' and 'IBS' reality-inverting literature. In simple terms, without access to any quantifiable evidence, these dunces with diplomas swallowed the puerile 'MLM' fiction as fact.
In the adult world of quantifiable reality, between 1973 and 2006, the billionaire bosses, and millionaire under-bosses, of the'Amway' mob cheated at least one million UK and irish citizens, and secretly netted more than one billion dollars. The majority of these illegal profits were shipped out of the UK to Dexter Yager in the USA, using the 'IBS UK Ltd.' (run by Messrs. Scriven and Gregory, and their spouses) as a front. The cash derived from an advance fee fraud, in which the constantly-churning, insolvent UK victims of the 'Amway' closed-market swindle were peddled over-priced publications, recordings, tickets to meetings, etc. on the pretext that these exclusive materials contained a secret knowledge which could lead anyone to 'Total Financial Freedom.'
David Brear (copyright 2010)


Tex said...

Answer: Journalists, and the people they hang around, are stupid.

Hint: That would be you and Shyam, Brear! LOL

Shyam Sundar said...

Look at your face in the mirror, Tex, the stupid. You understand how stupid you are. LoL

Tex said...

Look at your face in the mirror, Shyam, the stupid. You understand how stupid you are. LoL