Last year, we posted an exposé of a grotesque, narcissistic charlatan, Alan Kippax, and his pernicious 'MLM business opportunity' cult, known as 'Business In Motion.' We later informed readers that Mr. Kippax had been jailed in Canada for causing the death (by wreckless driving) of his cousin and for maiming an innocent young couple, and that his ongoing 'MLM/BIM' racketeering activities were finally facing limited, criminal investigation in Canada. At that time, I severely criticized UK government trade regulators who (6 years previously) had caught Kippax red-handed, running the identical 'Amway' copy-cat cult in Britain behind an absurd corporate front known as 'Treasure Traders Corp.', but who had then allowed this dangerous little liar to flee to his homeland of Canada with stolen funds totalling several millions pounds which he used to set up the 'BIM' fraud.
In 2005, instead of the UK police immediately arresting Kippax under the Theft Act and seizing his ill-gotten gains, this affair was left to UK government trade regulators who have absolutely no powers to make criminal investigations. Consequently, legal advisers to the UK Dept. of Trade and Industry could only file a civil, public interest bankruptcy petition against Kippax' front company. It was then revealed in court that the 'Treasure Traders Plan for Financial Freedom' was, in point of fact, a dissimulated closed-market swindle, contrary to UK Trading Schemes and Lotteries legislation, in which Kippax had arbitrarily defined unlawful internal payments (in exchange for effectively-unsaleable wampum), as lawful external 'sales.'
In this way, Kippax had deceived several thousands UK citizens into handing over regular cash payments to his counterfeit 'direct selling company' on the pretext that anyone could retire from work by being their own loyal 'Treasure Traders' customer and by recruiting their friends and relations to be their own loyal customers, etc. ad infinitum. In simple terms, Alan Kippax was proved to be a common thief who had stolen millions of pounds from thousands of UK citizens, but he never faced the slightest criminal charge in the UK.
Corporate Frauds Watch received various supporting comments from a middle-aged American couple, Mr. and Mrs. Basset, who were, apparently, former, deluded adherents of Mr. Kippax' unoriginal, economic pseudo-science. However, these same people have subsequently posted unsubstantiated material on the Net denying the reality of our wider-analysis of 'MLM business opportunity' fraud, in which they steadfastly pretend intellectual authority, by insisting that I have not conducted enough research to pronounce all MLM companies to be hiding esentially the same racket. However, Mr. and Mrs. Basset would appear to be under the spell of yet another gang of grinning 'MLM business opportunity' racketeers . The fact that senior agents within the US Federal Trade Commission have recently issued a blanket-warning to the American public about 'MLM business oportunity' fraud , whilst, for years, other senior FTC agents have refused to enforce criminal laws which prohibit it, has had the effect of authorizing major, ongoing racketeering activity not just in the USA, but also around the globe. Essentially, the FTC currently holds the same reality-denying position as Mr. and Mrs Basset. On the one hand, US government trade regulators (like Eileen Harrington) fully-accept that 'MLM business opportunities' are fraudulent, whilst on the other hand, these same officials need to cling to the fairytale that other 'MLM business opportunities' are viable. Indeed, if senior FTC officials (like Eileen Harrington), were publicly to face up to the ugly truth that their own colleagues have been acting under the influence of racketers, the US government would be buried under an avalanche of litigation and certain corrupt FTC officials would risk disgrace and long prisons terms. Tellingly, I have recently tried to speak with Eileen Harrington, but I was told by her Orwellian assistant that she doesn't accept calls from the public. Yet the public are her employers.
Meanwhile, in the adult world of quantifiable reality, the mountain of evidence proving our wider-analysis of 'MLM' to be accurate, continues to grow.
Like the bosses, and reality-inverting propagandists, of the 'Amway' mob, the bosses, and reality-inverting propagandists, of the 'Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing' mob have steadfastly pretended that:
Their direct selling company is perfectly lawful and is associated with all manner of trusted household-names in the USA. They cannot be held responsible if some rogue 'Independent FHTM Business Owners' do not obey the company's own rules which oblige them regularly to sell significant quantities of good-value products, and services, to the public for a profit.
At the same time, numerous dissidents, testify that the 'FHTM' plan for financial freedom is, in point of fact, a dissimulated closed-market swindle, in which unlawful internal payments (in exchange for effectively-unsaleable wampum) have been arbitrarily defined as lawful external 'sales.' In this way, tens of thousands of 'FHTM' adherents continue to be deceived into handing over regular cash-payments to a counterfeit 'direct selling company' controlled by a little gang of sanctimonious racketeers, on the pretext that anyone can retire from work by being their own loyal 'FHTM ' customer and by recruiting their friends and relations to be their own loyal customers, etc. ad infinitum.
Independent evidence from all around the world proves beyond all reasonable doubt that, for the previous 50+ years, virtually no 'MLM' wampum has been sold to the public for a profit, and that all so-called 'MLM companies' are absurd fakes which have actually been peddling variations of essentially the same 'business opportunity'lie to tens of millions of constantly-churning victims.
I have previously been criticized as 'grossly over-reacting,' for describing this multi-billion dollar global-fraud as a financial holocaust (with a small 'h') of which many people are in denial, but how else would one accurately describe it?
David Brear (copyright 2011)