One of our readers Naresh from Kakinada wants to know whether Ram Survey, Jeevanseva and Forever Living Products are legitimate business houses. All the three are bogus companies. While Ram Survey is based in Mirzapur of Uttar Pradesh, India, Jeevanseva is based in Hyderabad. Both are indulging in money circulation scheme in the guise of products just like Amway India. There is hardly any difference.
One has to pay Rs. 625 to join in Jeevanseva and purchase products like Ganocoffee, Ginseng, Noni and others. On enrollment and purchases by downline members you would get commission.
Ram Survey is on the lines of Speakasiaonline, a survey company. One has to pay Rs. 3500 to become a member and one would be paid Rs. 500 every week for filling up survey forms. The members would be paid commission on enrollment of new members. No need to say that it is also a scam.
Forever Living Products is one of the members of Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA) which was founded by Amway India. It also promotes a money circulation scheme in the name of selling aloe vera products at exorbitant price and encourages to enroll more members offering commission on their sales.
All these companies are copycats of Amway and are looting the gullible all over India and worldwide.
They always come out with new names and new product and services. Let us not fall prey for easy and quick money and the bite the bait with 'good business opportunity'.
very nice site... you will be amazed to see pics.....
unbelievable will get prizes on clicks...lets try once...
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Ramsurvey and other such companies are frauds ready to snatch your money. Don't invest even a single penny on them.
Read yourself story from people cheated by Ramsurvey...
I don't know about others, but Forever Living Products are exceptional and work wonders. They are high quality products and that's the reason they are priced highly. I suggest you use them personally (they have a wide range of products) and there's little double that you'll write positive in your next blog.
There is no comparison between these small companies... Forever have a amazing and result oriented unique products...use first then compare 100% u didn't get comparison & alternate of forever living products....
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