Wednesday 24 August 2011

What is the 'Speakasiaonline' counsel being paid to hide from the Indian public?

It's no wonder that the counsel for the unoriginal 'MLM income opportunity' fraud known as 'Speakasiaonline,' doesn't want the well-informed attorney of Corporate Frauds Watch to be heard by the Andhra Pradesh High Court.
The 'Speakasiaonline' counsel (who must, at the very least, suspect that he is being paid with stolen money) made a remarkable admission of his client's guilt when he said that the 'MLM business model' of his client is 'very complicated and difficult to understand.' However, even though this ridiculous intellectual prostitute has shot himself in the foot, he wasn't telling the whole truth. Fortunately, the Judge seems to have already deduced that the counsel for 'Speakasiaonline' has been trying to blind the Andhra Pradesh High Court with meaningless mathematics, and no doubt he will rule that Corporate Frauds Watch is acting in defence of the people of the Republic of India, and that  Mr. Mastan Vali has every right to speak.
So what is it that the 'Speakasiaonline' counsel is being paid to hide from the Indian public?
In all so-called 'MLM business models,' to their victims and to casual observers, participation can at first appear to be reasonable and benefits achievable. However, when rigorously examined with common-sense, these so-called 'MLM business models'  gradually become evermore costly and mystifying; for they are all secretly based on the crackpot, economic pseudo-scientific theory that endless-chain recruitment + endless payments by the recruits = endless profits for all recruits who continue to believe in 'MLM' without question.  Ultimately, 'MLM' is completely incomprehensible and its claimed benefits are never quantifiable.
The complex and difficult to understand 'Speakasiaonline MLM business model' has been there only for one reason. Namely, to distract the victims and the authorities from the simple, common-sense explanation of 'MLM income opportunity' fraud:
No matter what impressive, thought-stopping, geometrically-expanding, mathematical formula is applied to illustrate and divide up the money flowing into an 'MLM income opportunity' fraud, the overwhelming majority of ill-informed participants can never hope to receive any overall net-income (no matter how high they climb in the so-called 'MLM business model'), because, since most of the money flowing into the fraud has not been derived from the participants retailing goods, and/or services, to the public for a profit, participants have actually been unwittingly peddled infinite shares in what can only be largely, or entirely, their own finite money.
So called 'MLM income opportunities' have all been latter-day copy-cats of an absurd mathematical hoax, the origins of which are lost in the mists of time.
Perhaps, Mr Mastan Vali should remind Justice Raja llango that, according to the traditional, Indian, moral fable, when the creator of the game of chess (an Indian mathematician, or a legendary figure named Sessa or Sissa) gave his invention to the delighted ruler of his country, he was granted the exceptional right to name his own reward. The inventor told the astonished King that all he required was one grain of wheat to be placed on the first square of his chess board, two grains on the second square, four on the third, eight on the fourth, etc. Without thinking, the King immediately accepted the inventor's (apparently modest and viable) request, and ordered his treasurer to hand over the wheat. However, when the treasurer took more than a week to calculate the quantity, the King, who had no knowledge of mathematics, asked him to explain the delay. The treasurer said that, in reality, there wasn't enough wheat in the entire land to give the inventor/mathematician even a fraction of his promised reward.
Realizing that the inventor/mathematician had tried to cheat him, the King ordered his head to be cut off to discourage any similar trickery in the future.
David Brear (copyright 2011)


corporate frauds watch said...

A mathematical consultant to Corporate Frauds Watch has made the following comment.

The legend of Sissa's chess board illustrates why all 'commercial' schemes based on exponential growth, are mathematically impossible.
There are several versions of the legend of Sissa. In some versions he asks for grains of wheat as his reward, in others he asks for grains of rice.
Economists today talk about 'technology strategy' and a concept known as 'the second half of the chessboard.' This phrase was coined by Ray Kurzweil, in reference to the point where an exponentially growing factor begins to have a significant economic effect on an organization's overall business strategy.
In the legend of Sissa, the number of grains on the first half of his chessboard would have been considerable, but the number on the second half would have been truly astronomic.
The number of grains on the first half of Sissa's chessboard would have been 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 + 1024 + ... + 2,147,483,648, for a total of 232 − 1 = 4,294,967,295 grains. If this had been rice, then, with the mass of one grain of rice at 25 mg, there would have been about 100,000 kg of rice on the first half of Sissa's chess board. The number of grains on the second half of Sissa's chessboard would have been 232 + 233 + 234 ... + 263, for a total of 264 − 232 grains (the square of the number of grains on the first half of the board plus itself). Thus, as each square would have contained one grain more than the total of all the squares before it, the first square of the second half by itself, would have contained more grains than the entire first half.
On the 64th square of Sissa's chessboard by itself, there would have been be 263 = 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 grains, or more than two billion times the quantity as on the first half of the chessboard. Whilst, on the entire chessboard there would be 264 − 1 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains.
If Sissa had asked for rice, his total reward would have tipped the scales at 461,168,602,000 metric tons, reresenting a volume greater than that of Mount Everest. Sissa's reward would have been around 1000 times the global production of rice in 2010 (464,000,000 metric tons)

Corporate Frauds Watch

GuyReviews said...

I've always heard that story with grains of rice, not wheat, and I never heard about the ending punishment. :) Interesting twist on the tale.