Friday, 30 April 2010
Amway squealer falls all-time low intellectually
Thursday, 29 April 2010
They are out to cheat you my friend
Good case for sequel to `Animal Farm'
Nearly 1.5 million are quitting Amway each year
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Any rational dialogue with such criminals only gives credibility to Amway mob
Monday, 26 April 2010
IBOFB one of the most transparent intellectual prostitutes
Saturday, 24 April 2010
IBOFB's denial of Lifton's work tantamounts to denial of Holocaust
As far as I am concerned, Mr. Steadson's denial of the validity of Prof. Lifton's work, is tantamount to a denial of the Holocaust. Mr. Steadson and his de facto bosses are indeed beneath our contempt Shyam.
David Brear (copyright 2010)
Friday, 23 April 2010
Amway mob paved way for countless copy-cat criminals
Thursday, 22 April 2010
No proof that IBOFB, Insider, etc., are all one
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
IBOFB is risking a long prison term
The masked 'Amway' Lord Haw Haw, Mr. 'IBOFB' Steadson, is really puffing himself up. In fact, he now puts me in mind of the Wizard of Oz (Brisbane, to be precise).
I believe the last time I received an empty threat of legal action from a puffed-up creature representing the 'Amway' mob, was in 1997. On that occasion, it came from an (unnamed) attorney working for Baileys Shaw Gillette LLP - a (now defunct) international law firm that was being paid by 'Amway UK Ltd.' However, we now know that (since its creation in 1973) 'Amway UK Ltd.' was always an insolvent corporate structure (to the tune of tens of millions of dollars). The real purpose of the fake direct selling company known as 'Amway UK Ltd.' was to lure victims into a closed-market swindle and related advance fee fraud. This begs the rather obvious question: Who was really paying this attorney to try to intimidate me?
Mr. Steadson repeatedly claims to be an entrepreneur. However, if his commercial judgement is so lacking that he has signed a series of financially-suicidal 'Independent Business Owner Contracts' with 'Amway,' then it is very difficult to believe that the poor lad has the capacity to recognise, let alone run, any form of traditonal (profit-making) business. Indeed, as a so-called 'Amway Independent Business Owner', Mr. Steadson's chances of making a profit have been (effectivey) zero. This begs the rather obvious question: How would this kamikaze of commerce be able to afford (by himself) to pay for the expensive international legal action with which he is now emptily threatening me? During the course of such dangerous litigation, if it turned out that Mr. Steadson has been receiving cash from any source, or sources, remotely connected to the 'Amway' mob, then he risks a long prison term.
The US federal Racketeer Influence Corrupt Organizations Act, 1970 (which has been clarified by various US Supreme Court judgements), makes it perfectly clear that any malicious attempt by de facto agents of a US-based organized crime group to intimidate witnesses, including the filing of malicious civil and criminal complaints in an attempt to obstruct justice, is considered to be part of a pattern of racketeering activity. Under this hard-hitting legislation, even the attorneys of US-based organized crime groups risk long prison sentences.
David Brear (copyright 2010)
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
IBOFB has no evidence to support his position

Aryarup is just another cheating company out to rob you
NPD struck IBOFB feels others are envious of him
Narcissistic Personality Disorder,’ is a psychological term first used in 1971 by Dr. Heinz Kohut (1913-1981). It was recognised as the name for a form of pathological narcissism in ‘The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 1980.’ Narcissistic traits (where a person talks highly of himself/herself to eliminate feelings of worthlessness) are common in, and considered ‘normal’ to, human psychological development. When these traits become accentuated by a failure of the social environment and persist into adulthood, they can intensify to the level of a severe mental disorder. Currently, NPD has nine recognised diagnostic criteria (five of which are required for a diagnosis):
- has a grandiose sense of self-importance
- is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, ideal love, etc.
- believes that he/she is special and unique and can only be understood by other special people.
- requires excessive admiration.
- strong sense of self-entitlement.
- takes advantage of others to achieve his/her own ends.
- lacks empathy.
- is often envious or believes that others are envious of him/her.
Monday, 19 April 2010
IBOFB is a transparent narcissistic liar
IBOFB might have started another MLM selling Varsity Degrees
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