Friday, 9 October 2009

Amway apologists are like pawns in chess, expendable

'Amway' (like all pernicious cults) is an intellectually, and emotionally, overwhelming pay-to-play game of make-believe presented as reality. Major cults have been rightly compared to chess (but for humans), with all-powerful Kings, and /or Queens, served by expendable pawns who have been conditioned (falsely) to believe that one day (if they obey the rules and do not question their benign rulers) they will move up the board. Half a century of quantifiable evidence proves that tens of millions of powerless 'Amway' pawns continue to be taken in, whilst the self-appointed sovereign rulers of the closed logic- 'Amway' game have amassed fortunes. Typically, the 'Amway' rulers are otherwise unremarkable, but psychologically dominant individuals, with impressive, made-up ranks and titles who hold themselves accountable to no one.
Even though (effectively) no ordinary participant can win in the 'Amway' game, because the only money circulating within it, largely comes from the powerless pawns themselves, rule number one has always been:
Failure in 'Amway' is always the pawn's fault: never the organization's or its ruler's.
Consequently, even though they are completely powerless, 'Amway' pawns have been arbitrarily (and falsely) defined as 'Independent Business Owners' in their annual contracts (reality-inverting documents in which they have absolutey no say).
It's no wonder that the leading apologist for this soul-destroying, totalitarian fraud has chosen to hide his name behind an impressive made-up title and his face behind a comic-book mask. Given the wider evidence, this 'Amway' monkey's latest sophistic arguments are typically stomach-churning nonsense; but then, they are not his own words.
David Brear


Tex said...


Didn't you see my previous post? I said Eric Scheibeler isn't scared to talk to me. You are. That says a lot about you and your cowardess.

Tex said...

Didn't you see my previous post? I said Eric Scheibeler isn't scared to talk to me. You are. That says a lot about you and your cowardice.