Sunday, 4 October 2009

Examples are there to be followed Trivedi

Trivedi, it is hard to contain laugh, man. On one hand he says, it is a marketing plan and an example. And on the other, he is saying there is no need to follow the example. Without following an example how anyone is going to achieve the 'Total Financial Freedom in 2-5 years'. Without following the business plan one would be nowhere in the business. And he agrees that if one does not purchase products one is not eligible for commission and that is the inducement to make fastbuck on the part of the Amway India. The Andhra Pradesh High Court judgement clearly stated that the Amway India is making compulsory business from its members every month without any effort. And that is the easy and quick money for the company.
And why Trivedi and his buddy IBOFB both are silent over the judgement of the Supreme Court. It seems they got a hit in the gut. The Amway India apologists have been going around saying that the case is pending in the Supreme Court of India. And now everyone knows that the Special Leave Petition was dismissed. Thank You.


Tex said...


I can explain why what you and Brear are typing is half correct, and half stupid. My Skype ID is texlckbuster, propose a couple of times to talk, if you have the guts. Propose a couple of days/times to talk, I live in the U.S. Central time zone.

dtytrivedi said...

The Andhra Pradesh High Court judgement clearly stated that the Amway India is making compulsory business from its members every month without any effort. And that is the easy and quick money for the company.

hello mr shyam, did u know that my upline's upline who is gold producer has more than 500 people in their business and she has more seven downlines in the first level.

she has many distributors who purchases product hardly Rs 2000 in 2 months. Even in my case there is one leg who hardly buys amway product. They NEVER got call from us or Amway that why aren't u bying product from amway. and besides this even a person doesnot buy anything in a whole year still they won't be removed from the distributorship.

my mother who is my upline had many family members in our business. And there were few people who would just renew the business (which is now Rs 480 for a year) and don't even purchase the product because they even bothered to attend the business meeting. They didn't got any call from company or we compelled them to buy the product

dtytrivedi said...


another thing, Who is doing business Andhra high court or amway.

the problem is our government offical don't listen, they just listen to those who complaint against the company.

As a lawyer u must be knowing that at least company should be given chance for its innocence. but people like don't listen, they don't want to see evidence when they are told to and they want to analyze the business from their viewpoint.

Now this is what i called autocratic.

Now before u say any thing, give me ur bank account number or address i will courier some Rupees so that u go to open meeting.

this is gentlemen's request again go to open meeting and shoot the question to the host u will get all the answers.

IBOFB said...

Shyam, you are contradicting yourself! You claim Amway is an "endless chain" but at the same time claim 6-4-2 is the business plan that people stick to. if that's the case, it stops at 3 levels! What would happen if one of the "4" wanted to sponsor 3,4, or 10 people!!! Horror! It wouldn't be 6-4-2!! Clearly if you're one of "2" then you can't sponsor anyone else either!

If you are contradicting yourself there's two possibilities - either one of your claims is wrong ... or they both are!

They both are.

6-4-2 is a simplified model to explain how commissions work - commissions that are in essence no different to the volume markup system that happens in all distribution systems